- #Adobe preflight errors update#
- #Adobe preflight errors full#
- #Adobe preflight errors code#
Overflowing path text-appears where there is overset text on a path. One or more table of contents entries need updating-appears when the TOC is out of date because referenced text in the document has been added to, modified or deleted. when an image has been accidentally squashed. Non-Proportional Scaling-appears when an object is not proportionally scaled, e.g. Missing Font-appears if the document is opened on a device that does not have the used fonts available. Missing characters (character)-appears when text uses a glyph that is not present in the currently applied font. Linked resource is missing/Linked resource is out of date. Hyperlink to Invalid Page-appears where a hyperlink's target page is missing or has been deleted. Hyperlink to Invalid Anchor (anchor name)-appears where a hyperlink's anchor is missing or has been deleted. Field (field name) not found in source (data source file name)-appears when a row or column in the external data source has either been renamed or deleted. #Adobe preflight errors update#
Click Fix to update to the latest records.
Data merge sources need updating-appears when a data record(s) in the external data source has been edited. Can be used as a reminder to, for example, check final text copy or to check image copyright. Check copy-appears if a preflight user comment has been attached to an object. You can adjust the safe zone edge via the panel, which will change what preflight checking will identify as a bleed hazard. Bleed Hazard-appears when an object is positioned outside of the bleed zone. #Adobe preflight errors full#
The full list of preflight warnings and errors is as follows: A red icon to the left of an entry indicates an error in the file that will interrupt export.
A yellow icon to the left of an entry is a warning of an issue that will not affect export. Two different icons may be shown to indicate severity: The types of items that are listed are determined by the active preflight profile's settings. The Preflight panel displays a full list of warnings and errors it has found, allowing you to pinpoint and correct certain errors where they appear in your document. You can control the severity level for preflight issues, set values and thresholds that trigger preflight warnings and errors, and control how placed documents work with preflight. The Preflight panel's Edit profile function allows you to tailor preflight checking to your needs. The Preflight panel uses a default set of checks, but these can be customised. Clicking on the indicator takes you directly to the Preflight panel. Hovering over the preflight indicator when it is red will reveal the number of errors preflight has found. Yellow indicates that preflight is active and issues that will not affect export have been found. Red indicates that preflight is active and errors that will interrupt export have been found. Green indicates that preflight is active and no errors or warnings have been found. Grey indicates that preflight is not enabled, i.e. With preflight enabled, the bell-shaped preflight indicator in the status bar will change colour to indicate whether warnings or errors have been detected in the document. Preflight checks the contents of your file for errors, ensuring the file is ready for print or export. afphoto file is opened, preflight checking will be set to Never by default but you can adjust this manually via the Preflight panel. afpub file is opened or created, preflight checking will be set to Live by default. prior to output-or 'live' on a continual basis.
The preflight check can be run on demand-e.g.
Rub0 = STR_normalize(mXMLdata.xpath('//*/PAGE[position()=' + (i-1) + = mXMLdata.Affinity Publisher's preflight check feature can be used to ensure that your document exports or prints as intended. Var co,d,f,flag0,folio,ind0,ind1,m,n,p,rub0,rub1,s Ĭ0 = mXMLdata.xpath('count(//*/PAGE)') // count page node
#Adobe preflight errors code#
However here is all the code of the PREFLIGHT function var a = I suspect the ExportPreflightReport.jsx file is the cause of the problem. I think my code is not the source of the problem because the same script works with InDesign CC2021 desktop.